A Prayer for Our Gathering, and for a New “Great People to Be Gathered!"

These are exciting times to be living in, and even though there is upheaval throughout the world, many see God is on the move. The prophetic word given to Habakkuk declaring “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14),” is a promise to be declared into our present time. God is bringing a world-wide awakening, including a great harvest of people coming into his Kingdom. George Fox looked out from Pendle Hill and saw “a great people to be gathered.” As we look out from our communities in our different countries, what do we see?

God has blessed the evangelical Friends movement around the world, and as we enter this new era Jesus invites us to join him in bringing in our part of the great harvest.

We are excited for you to join us this November 9-11, 2022 for our second International Friends Church Multiplication Conference! Our theme for this conference is “Together, To Multiply” with five main speakers, Dr. Ed Stetzer, Dr. John Muhanji, Dr. Larry Walkemeyer, Albert Adhikari, and Matthew Cork.

Let me especially invite you to join me at one or all of the three International Friends Prayer Gatherings that will take place on Zoom during the conference: Wednesday, Nov 9, at 5:00 pm (Central), Thursday, Nov 10, at 8:00 am (Central), and Friday, Nov 11, at 8:00 am (Central). To participate, please register for the conference today at www.friendsmultiply.org. This is a great time to interact and pray together with many people from around the world. As someone who understands the importance of prayer, you will love this opportunity.

Together, we say the following prayer:

“Yes Jesus! We love you! We live for you! We follow you! Give us the favor, the grace, the blessing, the anointing to work with you in bringing in our part of the harvest!”

“Bless this second International Friends Church Multiplication Conference! Teach us, guide us, give us insight so that “Together, To Multiply” becomes our reality!

“Bless our five main speakers, Dr. Ed Stetzer, Dr. John Muhanji, Dr. Larry Walkemeyer, Albert Adhikari, and Matthew Cork! Protect them Holy Spirit, and anoint them for this task! Speak to them and through them and to each one of us participating! We long, Holy Spirit for your voice and your truth and your guidance.

“As this conference is fully online, we ask Holy Spirit for your special blessing and protection over all the technical aspects of the conference! Protect the internet connections of everyone joining!

Bless the translators and give them quick minds and tongues to bring a relevant message to each culture listening in!

“Encourage your people, Father! Ignite a fire within us to follow you wholeheartedly into the harvest fields! Bless us with unity so that “Together” we will “Multiply!”

“Break the enemies’ schemes completely off this conference and all those attending! Lord Jesus, we cover with your blood shed for us, our times, and this specific conference! You be glorified, and the insight you need people to receive, let them receive it and may nothing stand in the way!

“Just like you said, Jesus, in Matthew 9:37-38, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” We join you, Jesus at this time, with this conference, proclaiming, “Father raise up laborers for the harvest, and use us!

In Jesus Name, Amen!”

May the Lord bless you and prepare us all through this conference to be a blessing – for the next “great people to be gathered!”

- David Thomas, Prayer Coordinator, International Friends Church Multiplication Conference

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