Wonderful Worship Music

We have been delighted to experience the International Friends Choir as a part of General Sessions #2 and #4. We are thankful for the time and energy spent by Dr. Jared Ross, the Music Director, and Casey Roberts, our International Technical Director (who also worked long and tirelessly to edit our general sessions)! We are also thankful for the many individuals who learned the songs, sang them for us, and led us in worship through their musical giftedness. Unfortunately, for several reasons, there were a few individuals who made recordings that ended up not making it into the finished product. We are sorry for that! One of those was a group of individuals from Rwanda who learned the song for the first time, sang it in English, and sent us their own arrangement of it. It seemed appropriate to share it with you all here.

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A Prayer for Our Gathering, and for a New “Great People to Be Gathered!"


November Friends Prayer Movement Newsletter