After the Mountain top

“It doesn’t end here.” This is a statement made at the end of each week of summer camp at Quaker Haven Camp. It encourages and reminds students as they head back home after experiencing a powerful move of the Holy Spirit and the community of the camp context that His spirit is with them everywhere they go, not just at camp. 

I love conferences, and as I reflect, it’s because they remind me of camp. They provide a similar environment of great speakers, music, and usually good food with friends.

Looking back on the conferences I’ve attended, I also need the reminder we tell campers after such a spiritually intense week. I need to hear, “It doesn’t end here.” I am guessing you might too.

Conference Expectations

With the Multiplication Conference so close, I hope you take in all you can, whether in person or online. As countless people are praying over the event, worship, and teaching, the goal of the conference is to equip and encourage all who attend to move into action, specifically in multiplication within the Friends movement. 

Like the summer camp experience, one can attend a conference and take it all in but never use the new concepts or knowledge they’ve been challenged with. 

What does Jesus say?

As one reads the words of Jesus, it is clear the church is to be multiplied and that work is tasked to His followers.

Jesus called crowds of people to himself, but even more intentionally, He invested in twelve. Those men sat with, learned from, and did what Jesus did. They were then called to go out into the world, tell them, and teach them about Christ. What is clear is the model in which Jesus calls His Bride to multiply through relationships. 

As you and I attend, learn from, and eventually go back home, my prayer is that what we learn from the IFCMC will encourage and enable us to remember “it doesn’t end here.” I pray the Holy Spirit will prompt in you, or affirm, the call to church planting.

“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20b

Learn more about the upcoming International Friends Church Multiplication Conference by clicking HERE.

Josh Cortez

Josh Cortez is the lead pastor of Westfield Friends Church in Westfield, IN, which is part of Indiana Yearly Meeting. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Moody Theological Seminary. Josh and his wife Amy have years of experience serving in ministry, both in vocational and lay leadership capacities. They are dedicated to embodying the principles of Micah 6:8 within their family and all aspects of their lives.

The Foundation of Church Planting: An Origin Story of a Church Planter


Strategic Prayer: SUPPORT