How Church Planting Fulfills the Great Commission
When we began the International Friends Church Multiplication Conference, it stemmed from national conferences held at Barclay College in Haviland, Kansas. 2013 was the first time that many people started to pray and consider: What might God want to do in and through Evangelically-minded Friends?
Our conclusion? God is not finished with the Friends Church, and God desires for us to do our part to fulfill the Great Commission and plant churches.
“This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:3-4, NLT
But why church planting?
Planting churches is one of the most effective forms of evangelism in the world today. We believe it takes all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people.
What does that mean? Well, whatever our church experience has been in the past, sometimes we think that is the only way someone can plant a church in the future. But in fact, there are many methods and potential structures - both new wineskins and familiar ones - to help us reach new people.
What if I do not have the resources or the people power? What if I don't have the time to plant a church with a nice building and the roof and the programs?
Then, I must not be enough or have enough to plant a church, right?! Hmmm…
A church is not a building.
The church is the people-the called out ones, the ekklēsia, those who've been called out from the world into a relationship with Christ. We are the church, followers of Christ who are gathered together to make His name known.
In Acts 2:41-47, the early Apostles were consumed with
the multiplication of disciples
delivering solid scriptural teaching,
breaking of bread in life and fellowship,
and giving praise to the Lord.
If your heart beats with the desire of the Apostles, then God might be calling you to join a new group of “called out ones” - to join a team or help lead a new church plant.
Why EFCP & a conference?
What if the biblical church model could happen in all different kinds of forms and strategies and locations without barriers?
Here at EFCP, we do not promote one style or way of doing things. Instead, as reflected in the upcoming International Friends Church Multiplication Conference, our heartbeat is to fulfill the Great Commission by winning men, women, boys, and girls to Jesus Christ.
We believe in using whatever methodologies God raises up.
We hope to create a collaborative learning space where we can learn from expert practitioners and each other how to plant churches.
We want to participate in the new ways the Spirit leads us so we can win more people for Christ.
We know we have our part to do, but we also submit our plans to Jesus. What is the work He wants to do in and through us?
It is the Lord who builds His church.
“‘And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.’” Matthew 16:18, CSB
We don't know what kind of gates of Hades are near you, but there are all kinds of challenges and distractions around us. Remember, it is not us doing the work friends…
Jesus is building His church, and we want to be a part of that multiplication movement with Him! Thank you for your prayers!
Please mark your calendar - November 13-15, 2024 - for the International Friends Church Multiplication Conference!