Pay Attention When Jesus Appears on Your Doorstep

In Matthew 24 and 25, Jesus talked to the disciples about the sign of his coming and the end of the age. Near the end of that discussion, Jesus described what will happen at the judgment after the second coming of Jesus. The image is of a great separation. 

“He will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left.” Matthew 25:32-33

Those on the right are welcomed into the inheritance prepared for them based on their works of feeding, giving drink, welcoming, providing, caring, and visiting Jesus on earth. The righteous (those on the right) wondered when they had done those things for Jesus, and Jesus replied: 

“Just as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” Matthew 25:40

Jesus Appeared “On the Doorstep” of Denver Friends Church

During the fall of 2023, Friends in Denver became aware of a settlement of Venezuelan migrants near their church building. The weather turned cold, and Friends and neighbors of the church became concerned for the safety of those in the encampment. 

The Denver Friends Church (DFC) building had room to house a large group overnight in their gym during extremely cold nights. Neighbors helped with funds and food. DFC members took turns staying overnight with the group and preparing breakfast. Jesus had appeared “on their doorstep” needing food, drink, shelter, and care.

Friends responded.

Spanish-Speaking Believers Longed to Worship and Pray

Eventually, the Spanish-speaking believers in the migrant camp longed for a place to pray and worship. DFC accommodated and opened their building even more. During the worship service for English speakers, the Spanish speakers had Sunday school, and then the groups switched places. Some services were held jointly with translation options available.

Is a Church Plant Possible?

More recently, thoughts turned toward the establishment of a Friends church for the Spanish speakers, which, by this time, included representatives from several countries in Latin and South America. Discussion with Rocky Mountain Yearly Meeting (RMYM) leaders has begun. 

Initial steps are in process, although RMYM and DFC leaders are aware that discernment, exploration, and care are needed for healthy leadership development for a new Misión de Amigos in Denver. A church plant is possible, but many steps will be taken before that exciting possibility takes shape.

Friends in Denver were not quite ready to expect a new church to be planted, but they do want to pay attention to God’s leading and direction regarding those that have come to their door. 

That seems to be exactly what Jesus referred to in Matthew 25—caring for the least of these as we would care for Jesus himself.

Becky Towne

Becky Towne serves as one of the legacy presidents of Kairos University, a global, educational, discipleship movement with goals of Affordability, Relevance, Accessibility, and Faithfulness. She was president of Houston Graduate School of Theology when the seminary transitioned into Kairos University. In addition, Becky is one member of a 4-person pastoral team at Colorado Springs Friends Church and is Administrative and Recording Clerk for Rocky Mountain Yearly Meeting.

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